we all start
somewhereWelcome to our How to Play Pinball section. With all of the available 'toys' aka feedback devices, and amazing table auothers like VPW, Virtual Pinball looks, feels, sounds and Plays very similar to physical pinball. Because of that many of the skills taught in playing physical pinball can translate to, well made, virtual tables.
This page is a growing collection of some of the best guides and tutorals we've found on the internet. As always, please show your support to the content creators. An easy way to do this is by like, follow and subsribing to their channels. We truly appreciate hard work and hope that you find it as insightful as we have.
How Pinball Works
Many people think the game is random, but it’s actually carefully laid out in groups of targets that correlate to specific objectives, called modes.
Check out this great video from Vox as they explain how the game is meant to be played!